Featuring stereo matched Tim Campbell CT12 brass capsules, gain matched NOS Mullard 6072A tubes and Cinemag CM-13113 output transformers. Polar response is selectable on the regulated power supplies.

Worst sounding mic in our collection. Embarrassed to have this on our gear list. The "S" stands for "sucks".

With CK-1 cardioid capsules (x3), CK-22 omni capsules (x2), A-50 -20 dB pads (x2) and A-51 "knuckle" adaptors (x2). One of our favorite mics. Good on almost everything. Excels as drum overheads and close mics (using pads) on drums. Very high output and low noise. EB versions feature 2 position high pass filter switch. Transformer coupled output.
Dual element dynamic/condenser coincident microphone designed for use on kick drums. Each capsule has its own discrete output. Great for lazy engineers who can't be bothered setting up a 2nd mic stand. What a chore!

Small diaphragm condenser mics with high pass filter switch. Very bright and detailed. High output and low self noise.

General purpose large diaphragm condenser microphone with built-in pad and high pass filter. Fixed cardioid pattern.

Large diaphragm cardioid condenser microphone utilizing a FET and output transformer. Works well on kick drum, bass guitar and pretty much everything else. Includes -10 dB pad and HPF switches.

Small diaphragm condenser microphone with interchangeable capsules. We have 3x cardioid capsules and 2x omni. Good for drum overheads or where brightness is desired.
Stereo microphone switchable between X-Y and M-S stereo modes. Width of stereo image can be adjusted by turning set screw which changes the angle of the outer 2 elements. Excellent sound quality and sleek modern design.

General purpose side address large diaphragm continuously variable multi-pattern condenser microphone with switchable -20 dB pad and HPF. High output. Work well on tom toms.
Small diaphragm cardioid condenser mics from England. Modular capsule design. Transformer coupled output. Excellent sound quality. Good enough for the BBC!

Miniature cardioid electret condenser microphone. Can handle high SPL. Great for fitting into tight spaces.

Handmade in Oakland, CA, using premium parts. Capsule is an M-7 type built by Thiersch in Germany. Tube is a NOS Telefunken EF800 (glass). Output transformer is an AMI T47. Classic sound. Deep low end and natural top end without the peak-y harshness commonly associated with modern condenser mics.

Hand made in Oakland. K67-style capsule made in Russia. Output transformer made by AMI. NOS Telefunken EF86 tube. Copy of the Neumann U67 tube mic.

Microphone Parts take on a KM84 with a slightly different circuit to allow for use specifically on snare drum.
Matched stereo pair of small diaphragm tube condenser microphones. Tube circuit utilize a 'cathode follower' design which allows the mic's output transformer to be installed in the power supply. That way, a much larger and more robust transformer can be used which allows for very high SPL handling capacity. These mics excel at close miking drums or as drum overheads. Stock cardioid capsules have a +6 dB presence peak at 6 kHz - a similar frequency response to a Shure SM57. We had Michael Joly of OktavaMod build custom cardioid capsules which exhibit a much flatter frequency response than the stock capsules. Both capsule sets have their uses and sound great!

Fixed cardioid pattern large diaphragm condenser mic. These have been modified to be tube mics based on the David Royer mod published in Tape Op. Stock capsules have been replaced with Beesneez K7 capsules making the body the only thing original to this microphone.

Large diaphragm tube condenser microphone with M-7S (cardioid) and M-55 (omni) capsules.
Excellent example of an early 70's vintage Neumann U87. Industry standard large diaphragm condenser microphone. Excels in almost any application.

Blue microphones had a separate line of mics under the label Red for about 5 minutes. This is a solid state amplifier body with modular capsules similar to the Neumann CMV “lollipop” capsule system. This is a very high quality mic/capsule combination with lots of detail and plenty of low end. Great on acoustic guitar and voice. Capsule is cardioid pattern.
Finest in German microphone design and manufacturing. We have MK 4 cardioid capusles (x2) and MK 2 omni capsules (x2).

Shure’s most popular pressure zone microphone, the Beta 91 is most commonly used inside kick drums for that “...And Justice For All” clickity-click kick drum sound. Often used in conjunction with a dynamic mic.

Medium diaphragm electret condenser mic. Switchable -10 dB pad and HPF. Works well on guitar cabinets and as drum overhead.

Small diaphragm tube condenser mics built in Japan in 1962. Cathode follower design yields very high SPL handling. Not the quietest mics in our cabinet, but self-noise is obfuscated when recording loud sources at close proximity.